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Tanks and Vessels

You need economical grinding tools to produce surfaces on the inside and outside surfaces of your tanks or vessels that range from high-gloss to qualities resulting from firmly defined roughness specifications.

Plus power tools to match welds equally.

Then you've come to the right place.
Picture of industrial tanks

Your application, our product recommendations:

Grinding of internal and external surfaces of stainless steel tanks and vessels

Internal and external grinding on stationary grinding machines

Initial grinding

Belts, narrow: CERAMIT CR 456 Z

Very heavy and stiff high-performance abrasive cloth belts with ceramic grain and heat-reducing coating

Intermediate grinding

Belts, narrow: HERMESIT RB 535 X

Heavy, medium-flexible abrasive cloth belts with HERMESIT grain with aluminum oxide

Belts, narrow: MERCURIT 591 Y

Extremely economical cloth abrasive belts with MERCURIT aluminum oxide agglomerates


Belts, narrow: Cork RB 515 X

Solid polishing belt with cork particles and silicon carbide abrasive grain

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 flex

Flexible non-woven grinding belts for efficient surface finishing of contoured metal workpieces

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven abrasive belts with aluminum oxide grain

Belts, narrow: webrax-MSG

Cloth-laminated silicon carbide non-woven abrasive belts

Grinding weld seams with attachments for flexible shafts

Cleaning the weld seam

Discs: webrax-MULTICLEAN

High-density non-woven web disc

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 flex

Flexible non-woven grinding belts for efficient surface finishing of contoured metal workpieces

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven abrasive belts with aluminum oxide grain

Discs, Fastlock: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven discs with aluminum oxide grain and Fastlock system

Removal of the weld seam

Discs, Fastlock: RB 486 44 Z

Powerful cloth-backed disc with zirconia alumina abrasive grain and Fastlock system

Belts, narrow: CERAMIT CR 476 J

Flexible and stable high-performance ceramic grain belts with a heat-reducing coating especially for robot systems

Belts, narrow: CERAMIT CR 456 J-flex

Very flexible high-performance cloth belt with ceramic grain and a heat-reducing coating

Finishing the weld seam

Discs, Fastlock: RB 377 YX

Stable cloth-backed discs with aluminum oxide grain and Fastlock system

Discs, Fastlock: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven discs with aluminum oxide grain and Fastlock system

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 flex

Flexible non-woven grinding belts for efficient surface finishing of contoured metal workpieces

Belts, narrow: HERMESIT RB 535 X

Heavy, medium-flexible abrasive cloth belts with HERMESIT grain with aluminum oxide

Belts, narrow: HERMESIT RB 535 Y

Very strong abrasive cloth wide belts with HERMESIT abrasive grain with aluminum oxide

Belts, narrow: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven abrasive belts with aluminum oxide grain

Belts, narrow: webrax-MSG

Cloth-laminated silicon carbide non-woven abrasive belts

Grinding weld seams with angle grinders

Cleaning the weld seam

Discs: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven discs with aluminum oxide grain

Discs: webrax-AN 702

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven abrasive discs with aluminum oxide abrasive grain

Discs: webrax-MULTICLEAN

High-density non-woven web disc

Removal of the weld seam

Discs: CERAMIT CR 456 Z, velour-backed

Velour-backed high-performance disc with ceramic grain and a heat-reducing coating

Fiber discs: CERAMIT CR 456 fibre-Procut

High-performance ceramic grain fiber disc with a heat-reducing coating

Fiber discs: RB 414 X-Procut

Very powerful zirconia alumina fiber disc with additional Procut coating

Finishing of the weld seam

Discs: webrax-AN 701 50

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven discs with aluminum oxide grain

Discs: webrax-AN 702

Powerful, cloth-reinforced non-woven abrasive discs with aluminum oxide abrasive grain

Grinding weld seams with power file grinding machines

Removal of the weld seam

Belts, file grinder: CERAMIT CR 476 J

Flexible high-performance powerfile belts with ceramic grain and a heat-reducing coating

Belts, file grinder: RB 480 24 YX

Powerful cloth file grinder belts with zirconia alumina abrasive grain

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